Racist Jokes

If you’re looking for the best collection of hilariously offensive racist jokes, you've come to the right place! Laugh out loud with your friends with the funniest politically incorrect jokes on the web! Our funny racial jokes target Asian, Black, Jewish, Indian, Mexican, White and much more!

Girls Prep School Social

The headmistress at a girls' prep school in the old South (circa 1959) calls down to the army base and speaks with one of the officers: "We're having a social here at school and I was wondering if you could send some of your nice young men to attend." "Why of course," the Lieutenant answers. "Just one thing," says the lady. "Of course you'll make sure there aren't any Jews there." "Why of course," the Lieutenant answers. On the day of the dance, a bus pulls up from the base. Out comes a platoon of black GIs. The schoolmistress is quite distressed. "Why, why, there must be some mistake," she says to a burly black Master Sergeant. "Why heck no, ma'am," he replies. "Lt. Goldberg NEVER makes a mistake!"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

The worst racist joke

So there is this guy named Bubba who lives in the South who is totally racist. He hates everyone of ethnic background so much that when ever he sees anyone of color walking down the street he runs them over with his truck. One day Bubba's wife invites the town preacher over for dinner and Bubba has to pick the preacher up and drive him to Bubba's house. Sure enough there is a black guy walking on the side of the road hitch hiking. Bubba cannot control his urge to hit the guy so he thinks to himself  "If I pretend to pass out I can swerve over and hit the guy and the preacher will be none the wiser". So Bubba pretends to pass out and swerves over, after he hears a thump he pretends to wake up. He says to the preacher "Please tell me I didn't hit that hitchhiker". The preacher turns to Bubba and says "No son, but I got him with the door."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Funny Thought - Obama Moving into White House

Well, I was just thinking about all the possible things that could make Obama comfortable in the White House.

  1. Putting graffiti on the walls of the White House that says, "Cheney was here!"
  2. Changing the president's theme from "Hail to the Chief," to the Jeffersons' show's theme song, "We're moving on up."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
Submitted BY: peter5150
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