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Political Jokes
Monica's Diary
Monica's Diary
Entry 1
Dear Diary,
Entry 2
Dear Diary,
Entry 3
Dear Diary,
Entry 4
Dear Diary,
Entry 5
Dear Diary,
Entry 6
Dear Diary,
Entry 7
Dear Diary,
Entry 8
Dear Diary,
Entry 9
Dear Diary,
Entry 10
Dear Diary,
Entry 11
Dear Diary,
Entry 12
Dear Diary,
Entry 13
Dear Diary,
Entry 14
Dear Diary,
Entry 15
Dear Diary,
They keep asking me if I had sexual relations with the president. I mean, give me a break. That is so crazy. I mean, just because every day, when I worked at the White House, his name was at the top of my "To Do" list.
Entry 16
Dear Diary,
Entry 17
Dear Diary,
Entry 18
Dear Diary,
Entry 19
Dear Diary,
The End
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Political Fix
I voted for the Democrats because I didn't like the way the Republicans were running the country. Which is turning out to be like shooting yourself in the head to stop your headache.
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Acronyms for Clinton and His Administration
- Clinton: (C)razed (L)ow-class (I)diot (N)ow (T)aking (O)ver (N)ation
- Clinton: (C)razy (L)iberal (I)ntent (O)n (N)eedlessly (T)rashing (O)ur (N)ation
- Clinton: (C)learly (L)oose (I)nternal (N)avigation (T)echniques (O)ccupy (N)ever-Neverland
- Clinton: (C)ompulsive (L)iar (I)s (N)ation's (T)op (O)fficial (N)ow
- Clinton: (C)omplete (L)oser (I)n (N)ow (T)errorizing (O)ur (N)ation
- Hillary: (H)ighly (I)nexperienced (L)eft-liberal (A)cademic (R)ighteous (Y)uppies
- Gore: (G)ennifer's (O)nly (R)emaining (E)nterprise
- Gore: (G)reatly (O)riented to (R)adical (E)cology
- Gore: (G)reat (O)ne (R)egulating (E)verything
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