Jokes about Kids

Kindergarten to Change Lightbulb

Q: How many kindergarten kids does it take to change a lightbulb?
A: One, two, three... Mummy! can I use my toes?


Grown Up Words

A teacher was teaching a class of five year olds and asked what they all did in the summer holidays. One boy said he got a ''choo-choo.'' The teacher said, "Please use the proper grown-up word for what you have done. The word is train." Another boy said he got a ''bow-wow.'' The teacher said please use the proper grown-up word for what you have done. The word is dog." Another boy said I got a ''Winnie the Shit.''


Two Boys Visit Doctor

Two boys are in a doctor's office and one turns to the other and says, "What are you doing here?" The first kid says, "Well, I'm getting my tonsils out." The other kid says, "I had that done. Don't worry, it's not that bad. You get to lay around the house, eat ice cream and not have to talk to anyone." Then the other kid says, "That's good to know. What are you doing here?" The first kid replies, "I'm getting circumcised." The other kid responds, "Oh man, I had that done and it took me a year to learn to walk!"

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