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Perfect Day
- 8:45 - Wake up to hugs and kisses
- 9:00 - 5 pounds lighter on the scale
- 9:30 - Light breakfast
- 11:00 - Sunbathe
- 12:30 - Lunch with best friend at outdoor cafe
- 1:45 - Shopping
- 2:30 - Run into husband's ex - notice she's gained 30lbs.
- 3:00 - Facial, massage, nap
- 7:30 - Candlelight dinner for two and dancing
- 10:00 - Make love
- 11:30 - Pillow talk in his big strong arms
- 10:00 - Wake up
- 10:02 - SEX
- 10:10 - Big Breakfast
- 11:30 - Drive up coast in Ferrari with gorgeous babe with big hooters
- 2:15 - Enormous lunch with BEER
- 3:15 - SEX
- 3:25 - Play sports with the guys
- 4:30 - Drink BEER with the guys
- 6:30 - Meet Claudia Schiffer
- 6:40 - SEX
- 6:50 - Huge dinner, more BEER
- 8:00 - Fall asleep with BEER watching TV while dreaming of having SEX with Claudia Schiffer
- 11:00 - Full on, get down, gorilla SEX, more BEER
- 11:10 - Sleep
- 2:30 - Fart
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Drinking Code
A blonde, a brunette and a redhead walked into a bar.
The brunette said to the bartender "I'll have a B and C."
"What's a B and C?" asked the bartender.
"Bourbon and Coke," replied the brunette.
"I'll have a G and T," said the red head.
"What's a G and T?" asked the bartender.
"Gin and tonic." replied the red head.
"I'll have a15," said the blonde.
"What's a 15?" asked the bartender.
The blonde rolled her eyes and said,"Duh, a 7 and 7."
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Wasp Trouble
A husband and wife are on a nudist beach when suddenly a wasp buzzes into the wife's business end. Naturally enough, she panics. The husband is also quite shaken but manages to put a coat on her, pull up his shorts and carries her to the car. Then he makes a mad dash to the doctor. The doctor, after examining her, says that the wasp is too far in to remove with forceps so he says to the husband that he will have to try and entice it out by putting honey on his penis and withdrawing as soon as he feels the wasp. And so the honey is smeared, but because of his wife's screaming and his frantic dash to the doctor and the general panic, he just can't rise to the occasion. So the doctor says he'll perform the deed if the husband and wife don't object. Naturally both agree for fear the wasp will do any damage, so the doctor quickly undresses, smears the honey on and instantly gets an erection, at which time he begins to plug the wife. Only he doesn't stop and withdraw but continues with vigor. The husband shouts, "What the hell's happening?" To which the doctor replies, "Change of plan. I'm going to drown the bastard!!!
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