Gross Jokes - Grosser than Gross Jokes

No Shit

Two fags were walking down the street and passed a handsome guy. One fag turned to the other and said, "See that stud there, Bruce?" "Sure." "Well, let me tell you, he's a tremendous fuck!" "No shit?" Bruce asked. "Well, hardly any."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Latest Release

Q: What's white and clings to the wall?
A: George Michael's latest release.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Three Breasted Hooker

There's this man who's taking a walk around the red light district until he passes a whorehouse with a blinking sign saying: "The Hooker With Three Breasts...". The man get's just a little interested and thinks "well... that could be a once in a life  time experience". So he goes in and walks up to the man behind the counter. "I'd like to see the hooker with the three breasts" he says. "Are you sure you can afford that... It'll cost you a thousand dollars" the pimp replies. But, the man is too exited, pull's his wallet and pays him the money. So, he's taken up three stairs to a little room in the back of the house and when he opens the room... there she is. The room is dark but as he comes closer he sees it... three breasts! And so the man absolutely has the night of his life. The next day the man walks past that same whore house and thinking of the night before and the time he had, he goes in and pays the pimp another thousand dollars. Again, he goes up three stairs to that little dark room in the back of the house. And as the day before, she lies there waiting. But, as he walks up to the hooker, he sees that something is wrong... "Hey! You had three breasts yesterday..." he says after which she smiles and says "What did you expect honey... you can only suck out a boil like that once!".

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
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