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Ethnic / Country Jokes

New Language Courses in Ameirca
New languages being taught in America:
- Afro-American Speak -- Ebonics (or We-Beonics)
- Irish-American Speak -- Leprechaunics
- Native-American Speak -- Kimosabics
- Italio-American Speak -- Spumonics (or Rigatonics)
- Chinese-American Speak -- Won-tonics
- Japanese-American Speak -- Mama-san-ics
- Polish-American Speak -- Kielbasanics
- Jewish-American Speak -- Zionics
- Russian-American Speak -- Rasputonics
- Spanish-American Speak -- Flan-ics
- Scottish-American Speak -- Tartan-ics
- Eskimo-American Speak -- Harpoonics
- German-American Speak -- Autobaunics (or Teutonics)
- Canadian-American Speak -- EH?onics
- Florida Democratic Voters Speak -- Moronics
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Join a Club
The Yoko Club? - Oh no.
The German philosophy club? - I. Kant.
The Ford-Nixon club? - Pardon me?
The Arafat club? - Yessir.
The Alzheimer's club? - Forget it.
The Ebert movie club? - Roger.
The Groucho Marx club? - You bet your life.
The Peter Pan club? - Never. Never.
The Japanese theater club? - Noh.
The quarterback club? - I'll pass.
The Rhett Butler club? - I don't give a damn.
The compulsive rhymers club? - Okey-dokey.
The Spanish optometrists club? - Si.
The Anti-perspirant club? - Sure.
The pregnancy club? - Conceivably.
The Procrastinator's Club? - Maybe next week...
The Self Esteem Builders? - They wouldn't accept me anyway
The Agoraphobics Society? - Only if they meet at my house
The Co-Dependence Club? - Can I bring a friend?
The Prayer Group? - God willing!
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Texan, Russian, New Yorker Out to Eat
A Texan, a Russian and a New Yorker go into a restaurant in London. "Excuse me, but if you were going to order the steak, I'm afraid there's a shortage due to the mad cow disease," says the waiter. The Texan says, "What's a shortage?" The Russian says, "What's a steak?" The New Yorker says, "What's 'excuse me'?"
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