Disease / Afflictions Jokes - Fart Jokes

Blind Skunk

Did you hear about the blind skunk who fell in love with a fart?

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Explaining Poo

A little boy asks his dad "Where does poo come from?" His father is taken aback by the question but decides to give his son the facts straight up.
"Well son," he says, "food passes down the esophagus by peristalsis. It enters the stomach, where digestive enzymes induce a probiotic reaction in the alimentary canal. This contracts the protein before waste enters the colon. Water is absorbed, whereupon it enters the rectum finally to emerge as poo."
"Wow," says the boy. "So where does Tigger come from?"


Whose Turn Is It?

There was a husband and his wife sitting next to a drunk in a bar. Suddenly the drunk stands up and yells, "ATTENTION ALL," and farts loudly. The wife is extremely embarrassed, and the husband looks at the drunk and says, "Excuse me, you just farted before my wife." The drunks replies, "I'm sorry I didn't know it was her turn."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
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