Pop Culture / Celebrity Jokes

Eclectic collection of funny jokes about your favorite celebrity. Great stories and one-liners about Boy Bands, Chuck Norris, Paparazzi, Rehab and Discovery Channel Shark Week, Jussie Smollett.

Valley Girl - The Pill

Q: Why did the valley girl take two birth control pills?
A: She wanted to be 'fer-sure, fer-sure'


Princess Di and Mother Theresa

You know how Princess Diana and Mother Theresa died around about the same time? Well they both went up to heaven. St. Peter met them at the entrance to the pearly gates. He said  "You both must show me something to prove your worth, going into heaven." Mother Theresa went first. She walked up to St. Peter and lifted her habit and flashed her breasts at him. He said "okay. Princess Di?" Princess Di smiled and walked over into the corner, did a squat and pissed. St. Peter gave it careful consideration. Finally he decided. "Princess Di. You're in. Sorry Mother Theresa, but a Royal Flush, beats two of a kind!!!!!"

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OJ News

Q: Did you hear that OJ Simpson has a new website?
A: www.ojsimpson.com/nicole\\prison//

Submitted BY: Mark
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