Animal Jokes

LOL with a rich selection of very funny animal jokes. Jokerz has the best collection of animal jokes, check out our animal jokes and laugh away!

Quiz For My Smart Friends

This is a quiz to see if you should be considered a 'professional smart person' by your friends. You can scroll down for answers. There are 4 questions. They are not that difficult.

  1. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator? ****Answer: Open the door, put in the elephant, and close the door.*
  2. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator? ****Answer: Open the door, take out the elephant, put in the giraffe, and close the door.*
  3. The animals are having an animal meeting. All the animals attend except for one. Which one does not attend? ****Answer:  The giraffe. The giraffe is in the refrigerator.*
  4. You must cross a crocodile-infested river. How do you manage it? ****Answer:  You swim across. All of the animals are attending the animal meeting.

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Turtle Soup Order

A waitress walks up to a man to take his order. "I'd like to get the turtle soup, please." The waitress walks off to go get his order, but the man changes his mind and decides he wants the pea soup instead. "Hold the turtle, make it pea!"

Categories: Animal Jokes , Food Jokes

Blonde Fox

Q: Did you hear the one about the blonde fox that got stuck in a trap?
A: She chewed off three legs and was still stuck.

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