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Sex Jokes - Oral Sex Jokes

Sugar or Sweet-N-Low
Q: Do you know the difference in sugar and Sweet-n-Low?
A: Sugar is when you kiss her on the lips!
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Round and Round
My friend wanted his wife to lick his anus.
She wasn't sure at first, but after a couple of attempts she's now rimming with confidence.
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Jack and the Ladder of Success
Jack was walking around when he noticed a ladder that went up into the clouds. After climbing the first cloud he met a stinky, unattractive woman who said, "Have sex with me or climb the ladder to success." Jack chose to climb the ladder. At the next cloud he met a slightly better looking woman who said, "Have sex with me or climb the ladder to success." Figuring it only gets better, Jack chose to climb the ladder some more. At the next cloud, he met a very attractive woman who said, "Have sex with me or climb the ladder to success." Things were getting better the higher he got, so Jack chose to climb the ladder even more. At the fourth cloud, he met the most gorgeous woman to ever grace the Universe. She looked at him seductively and begged, "Have sex with me or climb the ladder to success." Jack was extremely tempted to satisfy his urges but still, he climbed the ladder to success. At the fifth cloud, Jack was startled when a greasy, 500lb naked man with a pimply penis grabbed him. Jack asked, "Who are you?" To which he replied, "Oh, I'm Cess"!
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