Riddles - Police Jokes

A Bar Name

A guy walks into a store and says to the manager "Why doesn't your store have a name?" the store manager says, "I haven't thought of one yet but I think you can help me, what's your girlfriend's name." The guy says "Jenny" then the store owner says, "What do you like most about Jenny?" and the guy says "her legs." So the store manager says "okay, that's what we'll call my store, Jenny's Legs. Here's a coupon come back tomorrow morning and you can have a free drink." And the man says "okay." The next day the man comes back to the store banging on the window yelling "Where's my free drink, where's my free drink!" Then a police officer comes up to him and says, "What are you doing?" and the guy says "I'm waiting for Jenny's Legs to open up."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Top 12 Ways to go to Jail

Drink too much this holiday?  Here are the top 12 things NOT to say if pulled over:
12. Hey, wasn't your daughter a porn queen?
11. I'm surprised you stopped me, Dunkin' Donuts has a 3 for 1 special!
10. If I bend over, will I still get a ticket?
9. No, offi, offic, lucifer . . . I'm not as think you are drunk I am. I swear to dog.
8. No, I don't know how fast I was going. The little needle stops at 110 mph.
7. Back off, Barney, I've got a piece.
6. Want to race to the station, Sparky?
5. I know I was weaving, but I was trying to hit all the little green men!
4. On the way to the station let's get a six pack.
3. You'll never get those cuffs on me. . . You Homo!
2. Come on write the damn ticket, the bars close in 20 minutes!
1. Hold my beer, watch this...

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Do You Have A Bias?

A middle aged woman was driving through a school zone when a policeman pulled her over for speeding. As he was giving her the ticket, she said, "How come I always get a ticket and everyone else gets a warning? Is it my face?" "No, ma'am," explained the officer, "it's your foot."

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