Popular Jokes

These jokes are our most popular jokes over the past few months, based on all user feedback. Vote for your favorites today!

From Us

The teacher walks in and finds an apple on her desk with the letters "ILU" written on it. The teacher asks who left it. A little white girl raises her hand. "Well sweetie, what does ILU mean?" The little girl replies, "I love you."
The teacher says, "Isn't that sweet," and continues with class. The next day the teacher finds a banana on her desk with the letters "YAS" written on it. The teacher asks who left and what does it mean. A little white boy raises his hand and says, "It means, You are special." "Thank you sweetheart", the teacher says.
The following day, the teacher walks in to find a watermelon with the letters "FUCK" written on it. The enraged teacher asks who left it and if they know what that means. A little black girl raises her hand and cheerfully says, "Yes maam, I left it. It means, from us colored kids!".

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Yo Mama - Hairy

Yo mama is so hairy she is where carpets come from


Ray Is Happy

Q: Why is Ray Charles happy?
A: Because he doesn't know he's black.

Categories: Racist Jokes (Black Jokes)
Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
Submitted BY: gumby918
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