Political Jokes - About Republicans

Trump's Wall

Q: Will Donald Trump's plan to finish building the wall on the Mexico boarder work?
A: It did for the Chinese, they have almost no Mexicans in their country.


The Liberal Clothing Store

I went into a Liberal clothing store today to purchase some pants. When I started trying on a few pairs, I noticed that all the pockets except one were visibly removed. I stopped a clerk and ask him if anyone complained. He said, "No, Liberals always want a hand out, so its not a problem!"  I asked what happened to the other pockets. "Don't worry, they don't go to waste: Conservatives use them to line theirs!"

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
Submitted BY: thechz

In Exchange

What do you call a prostitute who prefers the British pound as primary payment method?
A quid pro ho.

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