Old Age Jokes

Changing Places

Q: What do older women have between their breasts that younger women don't?
A: A bellybutton.


Jokes about Old

Old Electricians never die, they just do it until it Hz
Old Electricians never die, they just lose contact
Old Energizer Bunnies never die, they go on, and on, and on...
Old Engineers never die, they just lose their bearings
Old English Majors do it with Strunk and White
Old Environmentalists never die, they are just recycled
Old Eskimoes never die, they just get cold feet
Old Eskimoes never die, they just go cold
Old Exorcists never die, they just give up the ghost
Old Farmers never die, they just go to seed
Old Farmers never die, they just spade away
Old Fathers never die, they just become grandfathers
Old Fishermen never die, their rods just go limp
Old Fishermen never die, they just get reel tired
Old Fishermen never die, they just smell that way

Categories: Old Age Jokes

Age Ideal Date

Age Ideal Date:
17 He offers to pay
25 He pays
35 He cooks breakfast the next morning
48 He cooks breakfast the next morning for the kids
66 He can chew breakfast

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