Funny Thoughts - Lawyer Jokes

Lawyer on His Deathbed

A lawyer was on his deathbed in his bedroom, and he called to his wife. She rushed in and said, "What is it, honey?" He told her to run and get the bible as soon as possible. Being a religious woman, she thought this was a good idea. She ran and got it, prepared to read him his favorite verse or something of the sort. He snatched it from her and began quickly scanning pages, his eyes darting right and left. The wife was curious, so she asked, "What are you doing, honey?" "I'm looking for loopholes!" he shouted.


God And A Lawyer

Q: What's the difference between a lawyer and God
A: God doesn't think he's a lawyer.


Just Practice

Q: What do you call parachuting lawyers?
A: Skeet.

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