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Ethnic / Country Jokes

Son in the Outhouse
A man was heading to England and his next-door neighbor Mrs. Dunn had just sent her son Olmos off to England a week ago. He hadn't called since he was there, so she asked the man to get him to call her. She knew he was staying in a big white house so she told him that. When he arrived in England, the man asked the first person he saw for the big white house. Thinking he meant the outhouse, the Brit said, ''It is in the middle of the park.'' So the man went to the park and saw a white house in the center. He knocked on the door and said, ''Are you Olmos Dunn?'' A voice came from inside, ''Yeah, I just have to find the toilet paper.''
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Demarcation Lines
Q: Why do North Koreans draw lines so well?
A: They have a Supreme Ruler.
, Ethnic / Country Jokes
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Top Ten Reasons For Being English
- Two World Wars and one World Cup
- Proper beer
- You can confuse everyone with the rules for cricket
- You get to accept defeat graciously
- Union Jack Underpants
- You can live in the past and imagine that you're still a world power
- You can bathe once a week whether you need to or not
- You can change your underwear once a week whether you need to or not
- Beats being Scottish
- Beats being Welsh
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