Ethnic / Country Jokes - Native American Jokes

Indian Names

A young Indian boy came back to the reservation for a family visit after his first year at college. When his dad asked him about his first year at school, he said: I'm having trouble with people making fun of me, especially my Indian name. "How did you come to give your children such odd names"? His father said: "When your brother was born, I looked out the tepee and I saw an eagle flying so I named him Little Eagle and when your sister was born, I looked out the tepee and saw a deer grazing, so I named her spotted fawn. Why do you ask, Two Dogs F*cking"?

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Many Moons

A long time ago, an Indian chief fell into an outhouse. 50 years later a man went into the outhouse and saw the chief. "How long have you been in there?" the man asked. "Many moons my son, many moons!"


Cowboy and Indian Find

There was a cowboy and an Indian riding through the desert, when the Indian stopped suddenly and put his ear to the ground. The cowboy stopped and asked, "What is it?" The Indian replied, "Buffalo come." "Wow," said the cowboy, "how did you know?" The Indian replied, "Sticky ear."

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