Ethnic / Country Jokes - India Jokes

The Dot

For centuries, Hindu women have worn a dot on their foreheads.  Most of us have naively thought this was connected with tradition or religion, but the Indian embassy in Ottawa has recently revealed the true story.
When a Hindu woman gets married, she brings a dowry into the union.  On her wedding night, the husband scratches off the dot to see whether he has won; a convenience store, a gas station, a donut shop, a taxi cab or a motel in the United States.
If nothing there, he must remain in India to answer telephones and provide technical support for computer companies.


Little Red Dot

Q: You know what that little red dot means in the middle of an Indian woman's forehead?
A: Coffee's ready.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Redneck GI's in India..

Two mountain bred GIs were wandering the streets of Calcutta when an old woman walked by. "Hey, Billy Joe," one said, "I think that's Mother Teresa." "Your nuts." "I'm telling you." They approached the woman and one asked, "Are you Mother Teresa?" The old lady eyed them scornfully. "Fuck off, you goddamn perverts," she hissed, striding off. "Jeez," Billy Joe said, watching her disappear into the crowd, "now we'll never know."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
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