Disease / Afflictions Jokes - Coronavirus Jokes

These disease jokes may be insensitive to some but are the perfect Rx for those worried about the disease. No matter what you call it, wuhan virus, china virus, covid-19, 2019 novel coronavirus or rona we have jokes that will make you laugh till you cry.

The Right Stuff

A man walks into a bar, orders a Corona, two Hurricanes, and a Forest Fire. The bartender says, "That'll be $20.20."


Troubling Facts

Does anyone else feel troubled by the fact that the name of next year is literally 2020 won?

Submitted BY: MEG

No More Lock-Downs

Instead of going into another lock-down, just train all the Amazon delivery drivers to give the vaccine. The entire population will be immunized by Saturday, Wednesday if you have Prime.

Submitted BY: MEG
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