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Disease / Afflictions Jokes - Coronavirus Jokes

These disease jokes may be insensitive to some but are the perfect Rx for those worried about the disease. No matter what you call it, wuhan virus, china virus, covid-19, 2019 novel coronavirus or rona we have jokes that will make you laugh till you cry.
HR Question
If a supervisor at work gets Covid-19, do the people who kiss that ass need to be tested?
Asking for a friend.
Disease / Afflictions Jokes
(Coronavirus Jokes)
- 5
- 1
- 0
Submitted BY: MEG
Chinese Twist
Q: What's the difference between Kung Pao Chicken and the Coronavirus?
A: One's Chinese take out, the other takes out Chinese.
Disease / Afflictions Jokes
(Coronavirus Jokes)
- 2
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Kitchen Sex
Q: Why is kitchen sex so popular lately?
A: Because that's the only way to get laid on an island in 2020
Disease / Afflictions Jokes
(Coronavirus Jokes)
- 2
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- 1
Submitted BY: MEG