Disease / Afflictions Jokes - Coronavirus Jokes

These disease jokes may be insensitive to some but are the perfect Rx for those worried about the disease. No matter what you call it, wuhan virus, china virus, covid-19, 2019 novel coronavirus or rona we have jokes that will make you laugh till you cry.

Covid-19 Cousin

Scientists researching the Coronavirus have discovered another deadly pathogen they are calling the Peekaboo virus.
Doctors are sending anyone with peekaboo straight to ICU.


Covid Joke

I tried to make a coronavirus joke a while back
Nobody laughed at first, but eventually, everyone got it.


2020 Halloween Plans?

Anyone else feel like Halloween is unnecessary this year? I've been wearing a mask and eating candy for seven months now, I don't think I need a day dedicated to it anymore....

Submitted BY: MEG
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