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Pop Culture / Celebrity Jokes

Signs He's a Bad Chiropractor
From Late Show with David Letterman:
Top Ten Signs You've Gone To a Bad Chiropractor
10. When you walk, you make a wacky accordion sound.
9. Keeps saying, "A spine is like a box of chocolates."
8. Repeatly asks, "You a cop? You sure you ain't a cop?"
7. Over and over, you hear crunching sounds followed by "Uh-oh."
6. There's a two drink minimum.
5. At end of session, lies down on the table and says, "My turn!"
4. He was nowhere near Woodstock and yet he's covered with mud.
3. Rushes in late to your appointment still wearing his Burger King uniform.
2. Hints that for an extra $50, he'll "straighten" something else.
1. You're fully-clothed and he's naked.
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F. Lee Bailey and Lawyers
Q: What's the difference between F. Lee Bailey and a generalized joke about Lawyers?
A: One is boorish rude and insensitive, the other is just a joke!!
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Three Blonde Jokes
Q: Want to hear three blonde jokes?
A: Listen to Hanson!
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