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Blonde Jokes - Dumb Blonde Jokes

A Blond and Brunetter Watching TV.
A blonde and a brunette were watching the news and they had someone on who was about to jump off a building. The brunette says "I bet you he will jump." The blonde says "okay". Later on he jumps. When the brunette is leaving she says "I can't take your money, I saw it happen already on the 5 o'clock news." The blonde says "I did too but I didn't think he would jump again."
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Q: Why can't blondes count to 70?
A: Because 69 is a bit of a mouthful.
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Safe Jump
There are 4 people on a jet. The pilot, a little girl, an old priest, and a blonde. Something goes wrong on the plane and everyone has to jump out. There are only 3 parachutes. The pilot jumps first, then the blonde. There is only one parachute left so the old priest says to the little girl, "You take the last parachute. You still have your entire life to go through. I am old you are young and I know that God and Jesus would want it this way." "That's okay," The little girl replies with a smile. He looks at her puzzled. "The blonde took my back pack."
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