Art & Music Jokes

Away in a Test Tube

Away in a Test Tube (Melody: "Away in a Manger")
Away in a test tube My plague cultures grow On nutrient agar Mankind's greatest foe It's easy to grow them If one does it right At thirty-five Celsius All day and all night Once they are ready You can let them go To sicken the masses With pus-filled buboes.


A Geologist's Ode to Olivine

The Geology Poem  - Ode to Olivine in Thin Section, a poem by Brenna Lorenz 
In basalt a lurid green Bespeaks the savage olivine; Mantle's child, born of fire, Restless in the open air, Little beads of anger bear The torture of desire. Silica upon its face It suffers, helpless, in disgrace, Its powers of reaction bound By solid's bond and cage, In agony confined to rage Unstable and unsound. Its birefringent power plays The sifted light to rare displays; The haunting, primal colors tell Of fire and fury's flag unfurled, Flag of fluid, nether world, Beneath the fragile shell.


Here Somewhere

Went to a music store looking for the Cello Concerto in D. I searched the place for over an hour with no luck. As I was about to give up and leave, I decided to have a look through other composers section on the off chance it was put in there by mistake. Eventually I found it. Haydn in the Bach.

Copyright © 2014 - Kiel Phillips - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
Written By: KielPhillips
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