Animal Jokes - Cow Jokes

No Milk

Q: What did the farmer call the cow that would not give him any milk?
A: An udder failure!

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Cross-eyed Cow Fix

One day, a farmer was tending to his livestock when he noticed that one of his cows was completely cross-eyed. He called up a veterinarian friend of his who told him to bring in his cow. The vet took one look at the cow, stuck a tube up the cow's butt, and blew into the tube until the cow's eyes straightened out. The vet charged the farmer a hundred bucks, and the farmer went home happy. About a week later, the cow's eyes were cross-eyed again, but this time the farmer figured he could probably take care of it himself. So he called his hired hand over, and together they put a tube up the cow's butt. The farmer put his lips to the tube and started to blow. Strangely, nothing happened, so he asked his hired hand to give it a try. The hired hand removed the tube, turned it around, put it in the cow's butt and started to blow. "What are you doing?" asked the farmer, horrified. "Well, I wasn't gonna use the side that YOU had put your lips on."


Two Bulls

There were two bulls, a young one named George and an old one named Sam. It was the time of year to satisfy the local female population, and young George was very excited. "Sam, Sam, can I go down to those heifers over there?" asked George.
"George, relax. Here is how it works. We'll wait until they're lined up at the feed trough so we can have our way with the ladies in a nice orderly fashion," said Sam.
"Okay, I can do that." George answered.
Well, feeding time came and all the heifers were lined up just like Sam said and George was all excited to go down there, but Sam had a few more instructions."Now George, here is how this is gonna work. I'll start at one end and you can start at the other. We'll meet in the middle" said Sam.
"OK, OK, let's go!" said George.
"Hang on George!. One more important thing to remember. These gals will let us have our way but you have to show some respect and be polite. OK?" said Sam.
George obliged. Well, they go on down to the heifers all lined up. George starts at one end and Sam at the other. George is pretty excited, but he remembers Sam's instructions about being polite. So, as he is going along he makes sure to say, "Thank you ma'am. Thank you ma'am. Thank you ma'am. Thank you ma'am. Thank you ma'am. Oh, sorry, Sam. Thank you ma'am."

Categories: Animal Jokes (Cow Jokes)
Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.
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