Technology Jokes - Computer Jokes

Difference Between Sex and Computers

Q: What is the difference between sex and computers?
A: With computers, the software goes into the hardware. With sex, the hardware goes into the software.


Geek's Thanksgiving

  1. Be thankful you haven't been spammed
  2. Be thankful your computer isn't down
  3. Be thankful your favorite forum isn't down
  4. Be thankful you don't have The Good Times virus
  5. Be thankful your server isn't down
  6. Be thankful for a vast selection of Web sites to browse
  7. Be thankful no one knows who you really are
  8. Be thankful someone sent you a cyber sundae, and you didn't gain a pound
  9. Be thankful your 28 year old cyber-friend really isn't 72
  10. Be thankful for a fast Internet connnection
  11. Be thankful no one sent you a cyber voo-doo doll!

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Geek Booty Call - Hack

I'd love to hack your box.

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