Sex Jokes - Prostitute Jokes

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Pimp @ Costco

Q: Why did the pimp get a membership to Costco?
A: He herd that everything in the store was hoesale.


Back to Basics

Q: Did you hear about the whorehouse where all the hookers quit?
A: The owner had to run everything by hand.



After an argument with his wife, a man stalked out of the house. He returned a few hours later to find his wife packing a suitcase. He angrily asked her where she was going.
"I'm moving to Las Vegas. I can make $400-500 there doing what I give you for free." The man thought about this for a moment, then pulled out his own suitcase and began packing.
His wife asked where he was going. "I'm going to Las Vegas, too. I want to see how you manage to live on $800 a year!"

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