Relationship Jokes - Man Criticizes Woman

Womens Monthly Pain

Q: Why do you call a womens monthly pain a period?
A: Because Mad Cow Disease was taken.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

It's Bedtime

The bride lay in bed on the first night of their honeymoon while her husband stood at the bedroom window, gazing at the stars. "Come to bed, darling," she whispered after some time had passed. "Not likely," replied the blonde groom, "my mother told me that this would be the best night of my life and I'm not going to miss a minute of it."

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.


One day, a man was fishing on a dock across from a hotel in the country, when another man came and sat down. By way of conversation, the man asked the other what he was doing there. "I'm on a honeymoon." "Oh. Shouldn't you be having sex with your wife?" "Well, I would be. But she has a yeast infection." "What about oral sex?" "Gingivitis." "Anal sex?" "Diarrhea." "Pardon my question, but why are you with her?" "Well, I like fishing. And she's got worms." 

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