Political Jokes

Dems Demand Action

Q: What is the new politically correct name for Trump's 'Shit Hole Countries' ?
A: Turd-World Nations

Submitted BY: RichK

Dear Abby: Lying Cheat

Dear Abby: My husband is a lying cheat. He tells me he loves me, but he has cheated our entire marriage. He is a good provider and has many friends and supporters. They know he is a lying cheat, but they just avoid the issue. He is a hard worker but many of his coworkers are leery of him. Every time he gets caught, he denies it all. Then he admits that he was wrong and begs me to forgive him. This has been going on for so long, everyone in town knows he is a cheat. I don't know what to do.
Signed - Frustrated
Dear Frustrated: You should dump him. Now that you are finally a New York Senator, you don't need him anymore.

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission.

Stop the Protests

Q: How do you stop all the post-election protests and riots?
A: Play the national anthem. They'll all take a knee.

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