Ethnic / Country Jokes - German Jokes

Germans Retain Surnames

BONN, Germany (Reuter) -- Thousands of Germans are keeping unfortunate surnames such as Kotz (Vomit), Moerder (Murder), Brathuhn (Roast chicken) and even Hitler, even though they could legally change them, a magazine reported Sunday.
The German phonebook lists hundreds of people with the surname Faul (Lazy), Fett (Fat), Dreckmann (Filth-man), Dumm (Stupid) and Schwein (Pig). The weekly Focus magazine said in an advance release ahead of publication Monday.
Unflatteringly named Germans said that they mainly had problems with their names as children and that later in life they had decided not to bow to social pressure to change them.
"Why should I have a different name from my father and grandfather?" said one Herr Schwein.

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German Out of Bathtub

Q: How do you get a German out of the bath?
A: Turn on the water.


German Alphabet

Q: Why is the letter 'C' afraid of the other letters in the alphabet?
A: All the other letters are 'not cs'.

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