Disease / Afflictions Jokes - Coronavirus Jokes

These disease jokes may be insensitive to some but are the perfect Rx for those worried about the disease. No matter what you call it, wuhan virus, china virus, covid-19, 2019 novel coronavirus or rona we have jokes that will make you laugh till you cry.

New Habits

 I used to cough to cover a fart, now I fart to cover a cough. 


Helper Virus

Q: Why did the Coronavirus cross the street?
A: To help seniors get to the other side


Kroger Scam

Don't let the Kroger grocery store take your temperature before shopping.  It is a SCAM! The device actually erases your memory.  Just yesterday I went to the store to pick up bread and eggs and came home with Snickers and Ice Cream!

Submitted BY: Linda
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