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Blonde Jokes - Dumb Blonde Jokes

There are three girls in the Fifth Grade. There is a blonde a brunette and a redhead. Which one is the probably the smartest? If you guessed the blonde you were correct.... she's 19 years old!
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Blonde Cheerleader
One day two girls were trying out for the school cheerleading squad. One was a blonde and one was a brunette. After they both had tryouts, they went home to wait until the results were posted. The blonde goes to see if she made it that night. Once she found out she made it she got out her cell phone and called the brunette, but she didn't answer, so the blonde just went back home. The next day the brunette called the blonde to see if she wanted to go with her to look at their scores. The blonde says sure and meets the brunette at the school. The brunette beats the blonde to the school, so she goes ahead and looks at the scores to find out they both made it. When the blonde gets there, she finds her name on the list again. Then she says, ''Yes!! I made it again, I made it last night and I made it again today. I am on a roll!''
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Blonde Prepare for Sex
Q: How did the blonde prepare for safe sex?
A: She installed a padded headboard.
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