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Blonde Jokes - Dumb Blonde Jokes

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There was a blonde, brunette, and a red head, and they all decided to go camping. They needed food so the redhead walked out into the forest, and two hours later came back with a rabbit over her shoulder. The other two girls asked her, "how did you catch that?" She replied "See tracks, follow tracks, see rabbit, kill rabbit." So they ate that for dinner. The next day they needed food so the brunette walked out into the forest, and two hours later came back with a lion over her shoulder. The other two girls asked her, "how did you catch that?" She replied "see tracks, follow tracks, see lion, kill lion." So they ate that for dinner. The next day they needed food again so the blonde walked out into the forest, and two hours later came back limping all bruised, black & blue with torn clothes. The other two girls asked her, "What happened to you?" She replied "see tracks, follow tracks, see train, get hit by train."
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True Stories
Q: How many blonde jokes are there?
A: One. The rest are all true stories.
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6 Ways Footballs Are Like Blondes
6. Both are made out of plastic.
5. Both are full of hot air.
4. Both are frequently passed from man to man.
3. Both have been known to score.
2. Both are often handled by hot, sweaty guys on television.
1. Women aren't especially fond of them.
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