Word Play Jokes - Jesus Jokes

Jesus and Hitler

Jesus fed 2000 Jews fish and bread.
Hitler made 6 million Jews toast.


Jesus and Moses Performing

Jesus and Moses are walking along the beach when Moses says, "You know what? I'm going to try and part the ocean again." He throws his hands in the air and, magically, the ocean parts. Jesus sees this and says, "I'm going to try to walk on water again." He walks up to the water, takes a step on top and sinks. Moses says, "Try it again, Jesus. It's been a while." Jesus tries again, and once more, he sinks. Jesus comes out of the water and says, "I know what the problem is. When I walked on water before, I didn't have holes in my feet."

Categories: Religion Jokes (Jesus Jokes)

Sunday School Christmas Lesson

A little boy returned from Sunday school with a new perspective on the Christmas story. He had learned all about the Wise Men from the East who brought gifts to the Baby Jesus. He was so excited he could hardly wait to tell his parents. As soon as he arrived home, he immediately began, "I learned all about the very first Christmas in Sunday school today! There wasn't a Santa Claus way back then, so these three skinny guys on camels had to deliver all the toys! And Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer with his nose so bright wasn't there yet, so they had to have this big spotlight in the sky to find their way around!"

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