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Technology Jokes - Star Trek Jokes
Trekker vs. Trekkie
- A Trekker wears a starfleet uniform to a convention because it's fun. A Trekkie wears a starfleet uniform to a convention because s/he has heard that it is in style at the academy.
- A Trekker has a Starfleet Academy window sticker on his car. A Trekkie is cramming for the entrance exams.
- A Trekker meets Marina Sirtis/Gates McFadden at a convention, tells her how pretty he thinks she is, that it is too bad she is married or he would ask her out. A Trekkie meets Deanna Troi/Dr. Crusher at a convention, tells her how pretty he thinks she is, and asks her if she is still seeing Riker (Picard, some alien patient, et al).
- A Trekker loves watching the show, nitpicking and discussing it with friends. A Trekkie loves watching those documentaries filmed aboard the Enterprise.
- A Trekker thinks Wil Wheaton was a lucky kid who got to play a kid on Star Trek. A Trekkie thinks that Wesley Crusher was a lucky kid who got to sit on the bridge.
- A Trekker thinks that it is a shame that the show is coming to an end. A Trekkie thinks that it is a shame that the crew is being reassigned and the Enterprise is being decomissioned.
- A Trekker knows that there are gaping holes in the technology, but ignores them and enjoys the show. A Trekkie can't wait for the price to come down on those home food replicator units.
- A Trekker buys pips for the rank s/he wants to be. A Trekkie wonders why he is constantly passed over for promotion.
- A Trekker tells his/her new girl/boyfriend that s/he really likes Star Trek. A Trekkie's new girl/boyfriend is an underclassman at the academy.
Technology Jokes
(Star Trek Jokes)
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Holodeck Characters Change Lightbulb
Q: How many Holodeck characters does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. Holodeck characters are light bulbs.
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iPhone7 for Jean Luc
Q: Why did Captain Picard get a new smartphone contract?
A: He needed more data for his new iPhone7.
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