U.S. State Jokes - Florida Jokes

Signs and Notices 17

These are supposedly actual signs that have appeared at various locations.

  • An ad on the subway in NYC: "Learn to read and speak English. Call us now."
  • An Amelia Island, FL, podiatrist: "Emergency Foot Surgery- Walk-ins Welcomed."
  • Sign over a restroom in a restaurant: "Used beer department."
  • On a store front in Florida: "Your one stop shop! Beer ammo and liquor. Drive through open 24 hours!"
  • A speed limit sign on Long Beach Island, New Jersey: "Smile, You're on Radar!"
  • Seen in a State Park in California: "Weather Station (A large sign with a Rock hanging on a rope) Check the Rock. If it's wet, it's raining. If it's moving, it's windy. If you can't see it, it's foggy. If rock is gone, it's a tornado."

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Florida's Election Count

Florida will no longer count ballots. Instead, they will count the chads and divide by the square root of each candidates' hat size.


Florida or the Sun

So I asked a blonde, "Which is closer, Florida or the Sun?" She said, "The Sun, because I can look up and see it.

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