Sports Jokes - American Football Jokes

Nike Marketing

Q: Why did the marketing manager quit her job at Nike after the Kaepernick ad?
A: She just couldn’t do it anymore.


Football Tryouts

A jumbo-sized freshman went to try out for the football team. The coach asked him if he could tackle and he said, "Hell yah, get a load of this!" And with that knocked over a telephone pole as if it were made of balsa wood. The coach was dumbfounded and asked if the boy could run, to which the boy replied, "Hell yah!" and he sprinted from endzone to endzone like lightning. The coach stood there with his mouth agape to see such a huge boy run so fast. He finally composed himself and said, "But can you pass a football?" The freshman stopped to think for a few seconds, then said, "Hell yah, if I can swallow it, I can surely pass it!"


Nike Clinton Sole

Nike plans to unveil it's new shoes featuring the revolutionary Clinton sole technology. The Clinton sole is like teflon for your shoes. No matter how many times or how big a pile of shit you step in it never sticks to the shoes!

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