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Sex Jokes - Prostitute Jokes

Black Eye
First man: How'd you get that black eye?
Second man: I called some woman a two-bit whore.
First man: She punched you?
Second man: Nope. She hit me with her bag of quarters.
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Two Prostitutes, After Christmas
Two prostitutes, after Christmas holidays-
Prostitute one: What did you ask Santa Claus to give you?
Prostitute two: Hundred dollars, as usual.
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Union Girls
A union leader goes to Las Vegas and checks out the brothels. In the first one he asks if the girls belong to a union. “No,” replies the madame. “And what cut do the girls get?” asks the leader. “They take 20 percent,” replies the madame. Offended by this unfairness, the union leader goes to a second brothel and asks the same questions. Here he finds that the girls do belong to a union and get to keep 80 percent of their takings. “That’s better,” says the union leader. “I’d like to have the beautiful young redhead in the corner.” “Sure you would,” says the madame, beckoning to an old fat blonde. “But Ethel here has seniority.”
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