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Political Jokes - About Republicans
Let's Vote Now
Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Ronald Reagan are in a boat in the Potomac, when suddenly the boat develops a leak. They have only one life preserver jacket. Bill says: "Let's do the Democratic thing. Take a vote to see who gets the life preserver." They each write a name on a piece of paper and stuff it in a coffee can. Bush and Reagan get one vote each; Clinton gets six.
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Constipated President Bush
President George W. Bush is hit by a strong case of constipation. He sends his Spanish secretary, who knows little English, to the local hospital. She tells the doctor, "Big President Bush, no shit."
The doctor understands and gives him some medicine to take with him. The next day, the secretary comes back again and says, "Big President, no shit." The doctor gives him even stronger medicine. A few days later, the secretary comes yet again and says, "Big President, big no shit." The doctor gives him the strongest medicine he has. The next day, the secretary comes back to the doctor and says, "Ba-Boom! Big shit, no President."
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Trump Executed?
Donald Trump is hanged by the neck until dead. At Trump Tower, his family watches CNN, which is covering his death live, all of them mournful and teary before Donald himself walks in triumphantly. "But Donald, CNN says you were killed!" Ivanka cried. "Nope!" Trump beamed, holding up the rope that was used to hang him, "Fake noose."
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