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Pop Culture / Celebrity Jokes

Dane Cook - Look-a-Like
Do you know, it is cheaper to book Dane Cook than his look-a-like?
To be fair, his look-a-like is probably funnier
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Yo Mama And Ted Dansen
Yo mama so ugly Ted Dansen wouldn't date her!
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The Clintons Take a Trip
Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, and Bill Clinton are sitting in a helicopter and Bill starts to think. He sits there for about 15 minutes and finally Hillary asks why he is looking so sad.
He says, "I just was wondering what I could do for the poor countries."
"Well " says Chelsea, "you could throw $100,000 out the window of the helicopter. I'm sure that the poor will get some of it." He agrees that it's a good idea and he does.
About 5 minutes later he starts thinking again. Hillary asks, "Why do you still look so sad? You just threw $100,000 out the window of the helicopter. That helped a lot of poor people."
He says, "I still feel like I didn't do enough."
She says, "Well, Bill, why don't you throw another $100,000 out the window? That should make a lot of people happy." Again he says it's a good idea and he does.
A few moments later and again he looks unhappy and he says, "I still don't think I've done enough."
This time the helicopter pilot pipes up and says "Why don't you throw yourself out the goddamn window... that will make everyone in America happy."
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