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Blonde Jokes - Slutty Blonde
Blonde and Hole in Mattress
Q: What's the difference between a blonde and a hole in the mattress?
A: I still can't find the difference.
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Blond Bank Robbers
Two blondes were planning to rob a bank. The first blonde had a tendancy to be smarter than the second. They went over and over their plans for the robbery and finally they headed out to commit the crime. They pulled up in their car in front of the bank. The first blonde says to the second blonde, "Are you SURE you understand the plan?" "Yes!" replied the second blonde. So the second blonde gets out of the passenger side of the car and heads into the bank. Time passes, and after 10 minutes the second blonde has not returned. The first blonde gets very nervous. Finally, out comes the second blonde from the bank dragging the safe behind her by a rope, and seconds behind her comes the guard with his pants down. "No you idiot! I told you to blow the SAFE and tie-up the GUARD!"
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Blonde Psychology Major
Q: Have you heard about the blonde psychology major working her way through college as a prostitute?
A: For $50, she'll screw with your mind.
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