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Art & Music Jokes
Encore Please
My group is called Perspiration.
We're a sweatband.
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Geologist's Come-All-Ye
The Geologist's Come-All-Ye (a folksong) by Brenna Lorenz
Come all ye lads and you will hear About the life that we love dear, Refrain: With our diddle-air-re-oh, falling rock away, knock it down, Fall-di-knock-a-rock-away, me laddie-oh! Geologists all bold and strong, We are the subject of this song. We get up with the rising sun And map until the day is done. We walk two hundred miles a day, And study rocks along the way. We fight our way through brush and trees And slog through bog up to our knees. When flies are thick, then we don't walk, They carry us from rock to rock. We swing our hammers with a whack, Take home an outcrop on our backs. Nine hundred pounds of rock or more Is just an average daily score. If we run out of food to eat There's always rock beneath our feet. There's nothing quite like granite stew 'Though graptolites are some good, too. In the evening to the clubs we flock, To drink Dominion and Old Stock. Here's to your health and our health, too, May your life prove as good to you, As our...
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A Wagnerian Soprano
Q: What is the difference between a Wagnerian soprano and an All-Pro offensive lineman?
A: Stage makeup.
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